Looking for the best aquarium supplies/products anywhere in the world, that are available right here in Grants Pass & Southern Oregon?
Look no further than American Aquarium Products!
With decades of experience and research AAP (American Aquarium Products) has the largest research/experience based library of information found anywhere in the world.
With this research comes unique products such as one of the few businesses still selling professional grade true UV Sterilizers for your pond or aquarium that are light years ahead in ability and longevity over the more commonly sold Chinese models.
World's Largest Aquarium/Pond Information Library
AAP/TMC Vecton/Advantage True Level One UV Sterilizers
AAP also sell the unique Wonder Shell, both medicated and regular version which helps fish longevity and health via addressing the Redox Balance of your aquarium. Redox is a process often only advanced aquarium keepers think about, but really all aquarium (& pond keepers) should be aware of this process and products that can help with this.
The Importance of Aquarium Redox
Unique AAP Wonder Shells
As well AAP sell the BEST processed fish food in the world as per the science of fish nutrition. This is Clay Neighbor's AAP Custom Fish Food Crumbles.
Resource: Clay Neighbor's Ultra Premium Fish Food
Another product line of note is our medication/treatment line which beside the Medicated Wonder Shells, includes the AAP Aquatronics line such as Wound Control and Spectrogram. These are just two of the products you cannot find anywhere else in the world but for AAP.
Aquarium Medications, In Depth Information; Part 1
Unique AAP Aquatronics Aquarium Medications/Treatments
How to purchase?
AAP has these orders available online or more popularly via our Cash & Carry service where by customers purchase online than pick up at our warehouse and have any shipping refunded.
AAP also sells products from our Fish Food to our top notch LED lighting line via local retailers for those who prefer the hands on experience of a brick & mortar local aquarium store. Simply ask if they sell AAP products here in Grants Pass and they can quickly get these products.